Q and A With: HAIDYN

Q and A With: HAIDYN


Haidyn is back, because he was bored… So I chose to have an Q and A with him because, I mean why not? First question comes from Spectrum, and she asks: Do you like marshmallows? Haidyn: I love them! Next Question is from Dale88TheFast: How many dildos can you fit in your mouth at one time. Haidyn: Depends on the size. Extra large then 2, Small then 3.

Photon: What are your thoughts about HabRockz now that you left?
Haidyn: It seems to have become very laggy, but I’m glad certain people have returned to staff.\

Photon: Are you and Jeremy still as close as when you were owner?
Haidyn: No, it kinda got a bit heated when I left.

Photon: What do you think about Lodus POSING as Parrack AKA Josh
Haidyn: I THINK HE’S A FUCKING LOSER, he cannot sing.

Photon: If you were to name a retro, what’d you name it?
Haidyn: Habton Hotel

Photon: If you could improve HabRockz, what key areas would you focus on?
Haidyn: I would improve the events as I’ve been on 4 hours with not ONE official event.

Photon: What’s your favorite American food?
Haidyn: Hamburgers, he said pattys so I guess Hamburgers…

Photon: In the future would you like to be friends?
Haidyn: No, I want to be your boyfriend. (HE WAS JOKING)

About photonalan

Just a guy who is a fan of Habbo retros and makes fansites for a very special one, HabRockz.
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